New Game Modes with the Hiber3D Engine

The new updates include Flying, Vehicles, 1st person, Sidescrollers, and Matches all available now.

Gothenburg, Sweden – March 15th, 2024 In a notable enhancement to the platform, HiberWorld has recently rolled out major updates offering users enriched experiences in both play and create mode. The 2024 update has introduced eagerly awaited game modes with new perspectives and difficulties, catering to the demands of the growing user base.

HiberWorld, a web-based, free-to-use platform features a no-code creation tool that allows its growing worldwide community to find their audience, show off their creations, with the opportunity to monetize on the horizon.

The platform currently hosts over 5.5 million user created worlds with creations spanning across a mix of hangouts, platformers, and shooters. The team behind HiberWorld has recently ramped up in-house production to introduce features including Flying, Vehicles,1st person, Tank shooters, Sidescrollers, and Matches, with the latter now opening the possibility for all worlds on the platform to be turned into synchronized competitions.

The new game modes and possibilities for creators have met the demands of HiberWorld’s worldwide community. Once given access to vehicles, the users created over 1000 racing worlds in less than a week. HiberWorld’s latest updates demonstrate an astute understanding of community feedback and commitment to evolving the platform in tandem with its user growth.

“Our goal at HiberWorld goes beyond simply expanding our offerings; it’s about unlocking endless creative possibilities for our users.” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “We believe that variety is the cornerstone of creativity, and by introducing diverse modes, we’re not just offering new ways to play and create — we’re opening doors to innovation. We can’t wait to see what our users will come up with!”

Test out the new game modes on HiberWorld today:
1st Person



HiberWorld is powered by the Hiber3D engine which became accessible to developers in 2023 through the Hiber3D Development Kit (HDK) designed for React developers. This has enabled creators to publish their worlds on the HiberWorld platform using either the intuitive no-code tool or HDK, with the added capability of embedding these worlds on any website. Hiber has been demonstrating what HDK is capable of with its HiberLabs series – a collection of worlds covering a range of genres from halloween thrillers, turbo goal (vehicle football), hover car racers, snowboarders, and the hugely popular sumo cars (vehicle wrestling) and sidescroller series. Watch Video for Side Scrollers

In a stride to further democratize 3D world creation, Hiber introduced the much-anticipated AI World Creator in January. Currently in alpha testing, this tool is now available to all HiberWorld users, inviting them to explore and experiment with its capabilities. Experience the AI World Creator today.