Faraway and Hiber Showcase the Power of Interoperability as Hiber3D Creators Can Now Take Their User-Generated Maps into Different Game Worlds

Hiber3D Creators will be able to export and showcase their maps in Mini Royale: Nations as well as a variety of other metaverse experiences through this collaboration with Faraway

MIAMI & GOTHENBURG – Faraway, developers of Mini Royale: Nations and upcoming strategy game Serum City, announced a partnership with Hiber, creators of 3D web tech Hiber3D and popular virtual experience platform HiberWorld, that will let creators build their own worlds and experiences to be used in the Faraway Web3 gaming ecosystem and beyond. 

To start, this partnership will allow Hiber3D creators to export their maps and environments to be instantly playable as game maps inside of Mini Royale: Nations, a popular Web3 first person shooter launched in December 2021. Once this integration is live it will allow Faraway and HiberWorld to share the same maps and worlds, with the eventual goal of scaling to many more games and experiences. With data available on the blockchain, other developers will be able to easily access and tap into the same creator ecosystem, and creators will have the potential to monetize their content in many more interoperable experiences.

Faraway has spent the last year focusing on interoperability as a defining feature of Web3 games and on user-generated content (UGC) as a source of evergreen content for these games. Following a recent partnership with avatar creation platform Ready Player Me to allow for two-way interoperability between both companies’ in-game avatars, Faraway also launched a UGC platform where players can create and sell their own interoperable avatars to be used within thousands of virtual worlds. Faraway now expands support for UGC beyond avatars through custom maps that can be built using Hiber3D’s no-code or code creation tools and seamlessly imported into Faraway games in addition to HiberWorld.com.

HiberWorld users have created millions of interactive experiences ranging from platformers and virtual hangout spaces, to 3D recreations of famous landmarks. Hiber has also partnered with Ready Player Me already enabling interoperable avatars in these worlds, including avatars created by the Mini Royale: Nations UGC community. This partnership gives Hiber’s creator community more utility in the worlds they create in an ever-expanding number of applications outside the core of HiberWorld. It will also include new Web3 monetization systems to help creators monetize their worlds as their experiences are leveraged by more and more game studios and players.

Co-founders Michael Yngfors, ex-PlayStation, and Mattias Johansson, ex-DigitasLBi, launched Hiber in 2017 to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web by enabling brands, artists, musicians, influencers and creators to easily build, manage and monetize their own virtual world presence. With close to 5 million user-generated 3D worlds built, HiberWorld has become a hub for creativity by empowering users with seamless tools for world-building. At the same time, the recent launch of Hiber3D enables over 17 million web developers worldwide to easily create interconnected virtual worlds and publish them anywhere.

“This partnership with Faraway showcases the power and potential of interoperability,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “Through this collaboration, Hiber3D creators can now expand their reach into the Faraway ecosystem and unlock new possibilities for their content, opening up new paths for gameplay in ways creators control.”

Faraway launched Mini Royale: Nations in 2021 as the first live multiplayer game to incorporate the Solana blockchain. Founders Alex Paley and Dennis Zdonov, former executives at Glu Mobile and Scopely, have expanded the company’s focus beyond its own game development to creating an ecosystem of games and products powered by Web3, interoperability, and user-generated content (and providing developer and creator tools for other game studios to do the same through the Faraway Developer Platform).

“The ability for player-owned assets to exist and have utility outside of their original game experience opens the doors for a totally new type of game design and economy. We’re incredibly excited to work with Hiber to integrate thousands of user-created maps and experiences made completely externally from our own team,” said Faraway co-founder, Alex Paley.  

Learn more about Hiber at hiber3d.com and hiberworld.com, and get updates at twitter.com/Hiber3D
Keep up with Faraway at faraway.com or on Twitter at twitter.com/farawaygg