WebGPU: Redefining Web Gaming

In the ever-changing world of game development, the next big leap is happening right in your browser. WebGPU, a next-generation web graphics API, is redefining what’s possible on the web by eliminating long downloads and breaking down platform barriers. 

What is WebGPU and Why Does it Matter?

To understand it, we need to look back to WebGL, which revolutionized web graphics when it launched in 2011, bringing GPU-accelerated rendering to the browser through its JavaScript-based adaptation of the OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics library. By enabling web pages to offload rendering tasks directly to the device’s GPU, WebGL allowed for rapid processing and seamless graphics rendering within a <canvas> element.

As the successor to WebGL, WebGPU builds upon WebGL’s foundation to become a new web standard. It offers enhanced compatibility with modern GPUs, supports general-purpose GPU computing, accelerates operations, and unlocks more advanced GPU features. These improvements translate into superior rendering capabilities and significantly better performance, allowing browser-based games to look more impressive and run smoother than ever before, finally rivaling their desktop counterparts.

But the impact of WebGPU goes beyond just these technical advancements. Let’s explore how it is set to transform web game development:

1. Enhanced Graphics and Performance

With WebGPU, developers can tap into advanced GPU features that were previously difficult or impossible to access in a web environment. This translates to more realistic lighting, complex particle systems, and overall richer visual experiences. Moreover, the lower overhead and more efficient GPU utilization lead to smoother gameplay, even on less powerful devices.

2. True Cross-Platform Development

One of the most exciting aspects of WebGPU is its “write once, run anywhere” capability. Developers can create a single codebase that works across multiple platforms, significantly reducing development time and costs. This also simplifies deployment and maintenance, as updates can be instantly rolled out to all users regardless of their device or operating system.

3. Advanced Physics 

WebGPU allows for GPU-accelerated physics simulations, enabling more realistic in-game physics and the ability to handle large-scale effects like explosions and weather systems. 

4. Immersive Experiences

With WebGPU’s improved rendering capabilities, developers can create larger, more detailed game worlds. This, combined with advanced lighting and materials, leads to more immersive gaming experiences that rival those of traditional desktop games.

5. Enhanced Real-time Multiplayer

The efficient GPU utilization enabled by WebGPU supports increased player counts in multiplayer games. Additionally, the overall reduction in latency makes for smoother, more responsive multiplayer experiences.

6. Innovative Gameplay Mechanics

WebGPU paves the way for new types of gameplay mechanics that leverage GPU power. This includes things like dynamic terrain deformation and complex, GPU-driven AI behaviors. Perhaps most excitingly, it makes browser-based VR and AR experiences more feasible.

Hiber3D: Harnessing the Power of WebGPU

At Hiber3D, we’ve fully embraced WebGPU, integrating it with our engine to ensure our partners can deliver the best possible gaming experiences across all devices and browsers. Our engine combines WebGPU together with our Hiber3D Development Kit, providing a powerful toolkit for developing high-performance, scalable, and efficient games.

The Future of Gaming

Thanks to WebGPU, it finally makes sense to move from mobile apps to the browsers. As WebGPU matures and becomes more widely adopted, we can expect to see a new generation of browser-based games that rival their desktop counterparts in terms of graphics, performance, and gameplay depth. And perhaps even more exciting is the fact that the ability to play high-quality games directly in a browser, without the need for downloads or installations, will greatly extend reach to emerging markets. 

Why the Web is the Future of Gaming

3 Reasons the Web is Shaping Gaming’s Future—and Why the Hiber3D Engine is Ready to Power that Change.

Browser is the new black.

Mobile gaming already commands the largest share of the games industry, holding over 50% of the market. By 2030, the mobile market is projected to hit $272 billion USD, with an annual growth rate of 11%. That’s colossal, but not at all surprising. What’s more interesting is how the landscape is evolving and where the future opportunities lie. 

Emerging markets driven by a growing youth population with spending power and improving infrastructure, are pushing the demand for mobile through the roof. These markets are home to 1 billion gamers, yet, they face significant challenges like high data costs, sluggish internet, a diverse range of devices, making app downloads both expensive and cumbersome. 

Browser-based mobile games are solving this with instant play, broad device compatibility, and removing the need for frequent downloads or updates. But the point is, to run a high end, immersive game on any web browser, across any device, anywhere, you’ll need an engine that’s light enough – such as one with a sub 5 megabyte core

Skip the middlemen and go D2C

Since the late 2000’s mobile games have relied on the app stores for distribution, monetization and a global reach. However, as mentioned in Jonas Tageman’s On Web First blog, what started out as a dream scenario for many, has long since become a headache. And, as with every monopoly, when the tolls get too high, people start looking for a detour – and in mobile gaming, that detour is the web.

As noted by Archie Stonehill of Stash, the disruption of the mobile ecosystem is already well and truly underway, not least with alternative app-stores rising on the strength of Epic’s win, but with more and more developers choosing to go direct to consumer not only to circumvent fees (30% on gross revenue) and market saturation, but to leverage game data for personalized marketing. Among myriad other benefits with D2C are price flexibility, broader reach (less censoring), customized user interfaces, and the possibility to localize content.

At the heart of this disruption, web-first game engines like Hiber3D are enabling developers to set themselves up for long-term success, by maintaining control of their revenue and data, while also achieving greater market penetration i.e. more money per sale plus a larger market to sell in. 

True Web Games > Traditional Games on the Web

To unlock the full potential of web gaming, we need to fundamentally rethink how games are built. Elements traditionally housed within the engine can easily bloat a web game, meaning large, unnecessary downloads and long load times. By fully utilizing the capabilities of the web, many components – like shops, progression systems, and personalization – can, and should, live in the browser instead. We call this approach ‘true web games,’ where the engine is kept light and fast to ensure a smoother user experience while also cutting down on development costs and time. This also allows for smaller, more targeted patches and updates.

At Hiber, we are adamant that the web is the future of mobile gaming. And it’s not just about porting games to the web, it’s about fully embracing the potential of web technologies to deliver the best possible game experiences, not only in gameplay but also in the metagame.

Multiplayer Made Easy with Hiber3D’s Out-of-the-Box Solution

Published by Jonas Tageman, Director of Technology at Hiber

Multiplayer gaming is a challenge for developers, with synchronization, latency, and network stability posing the greatest hurdles. However, Hiber3D is disrupting the development landscape by offering out-of-the-box multiplayer features that greatly simplify the creative process.

At Hiber, we believe that web-based gaming and multiplayer go hand in hand. Sure, you can create immersive single-player games, but why not utilize the fact that the player is already dialed into the web? We also believe that most game developers would prefer to focus on the actual game rather than bother with all the hurdles listed above.

Simplifying Multiplayer Development with Hiber3D

Hiber3D addresses these challenges head-on by providing built-in multiplayer support. This allows developers to focus on game design and player engagement rather than building the foundations, making it one of the quickest ways to get a multiplayer game up and running.

The Hiber3D Development Kit ensures that even a creator with limited coding knowledge can get up and running quickly without needing to delve into complex code.

1. Focus on Core Gameplay Mechanics

Whether you want to create a compelling game or move fast with delivering value to a client, time wasted on plumbing is probably better spent elsewhere. Use that time to solidify the core mechanics of your game, ensuring that the basic gameplay is engaging and enjoyable. A strong foundation will make for more compelling multiplayer interactions.

2. Optimized for Performance

Multiplayer games require smooth and responsive gameplay to keep players engaged. Bandwidth costs time and money, and lag is the universal killer of joy. We make sure that your creation gets that low-latency a competitive shooter needs, or the low bandwidth that is more efficient for a social experience. Let the experts be experts. You most certainly create better games than us, but our net code is the Koenigsegg of the video game industry – cleverly engineered, incredibly fast, and setting performance benchmarks.

3. Implement Fair Play Mechanics

Balancing is crucial in multiplayer games. Ensure that all players have a fair chance of winning, that no single strategy dominates the gameplay, and that no-one can use unfair means to win or get unbeatable scores. But cheaters are gonna cheat! That’s why we have a server authoritative solution and also provide you with the tools to sanitize and check all winning conditions.

4. Encourage Social Interaction

Multiplayer games thrive on social interaction. Incorporating features that encourage players to communicate and collaborate is key. Hiber3D comes with in-game chat, team-based objectives, and competitive leaderboards. We also support matchmaking that elevates these experiences, making sure that the players want to engage again and again.

5. Regularly Update and Maintain

Multiplayer games are living games. The gaming community expects ongoing support and updates. Regularly release patches and updates to fix bugs, introduce new content, and respond to player feedback. This not only improves the game but also helps build a loyal player base that returns regularly. For the game, you most definitely want to fine-tune it and make sure that it’s patched up and as close to perfect as you can get it. However, security patching the backend and game server is not only boring but also tedious and time consuming, and it might  require a skill-set you need to obtain elsewhere. That’s why you should leave that to us.

Focus on the game, let us do the rest.


Hiber3D’s out-of-the-box multiplayer is a significant boon for any game developer looking to move fast and retain quality. By eliminating the hassle of managing complex networking code, you can focus on what truly matters: creating well planned, engaging, and enjoyable games. Put simply, with the best practices and support provided by Hiber3D, you can create web-based multiplayer games with unparalleled ease that keep players coming back.

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch or book a demo today.

And while we have you, dive into some of the latest multiplayer games created with the Hiber3D engine:


Temple Shooter

Enchanted Grove Grand Prix

Hiber3D – Mid Year Roundup

July 2024 Edition

The first half of 2024 flew by in the blink of an eye, and we packed it full of milestones. From Hiber3D engine enhancements to strategic partnerships to innovative AI tools and a brand revamp, we left no stone unturned. 

Let’s take a look at the highlights…

Hiber3D Mid Year Roundup


World Creator

Our text-to-3D world tool was made available to all users in January 2024, following a period in pre-alpha when over 10,000 early access members signed up for the opportunity to test and give feedback on the technology. With over 90 thousand prompts entered to date, this tool is democratizing 3D world-building, making it accessible to anyone. Try the World Creator today.

SkyScape AI 

Building on the success of the World Creator, we launched SkyScape AI, our image-to-3D world tool. Create virtual environments based on any image to push the boundaries of creation. Try SkyScape today.

SkyScape AI powered the Hiber3D engine.


Shooter and other Game Modes

We added shooting mechanics to the growing list of gameplay features included in the Hiber3D engine, i.e. driving, flying, platformers, obbys and customizable game rules. All of these are accessible right out of the box! This means less time spent hunting for third-party plugins, custom coding, and building foundations, and more time spent on creating incredible games and experiences.

HiBux In-App Currency Launch

We partnered with Stash to introduce our in-app currency HiBux within our web-first HiberWorld UGC platform. A significant milestone on the road to building out a thriving creator economy.

HiberLabs Tests with HDK

We put the Hiber3D Development Kit (HDK) to the test with our HiberLabs series – a collection of games spanning diverse genres. From Halloween thrillers, to Turbo Goal (vehicle football), hover car racers, snowboarders, the hugely popular Sumo Cars (vehicle wrestling), and an engaging side-scroller series, each of these games highlights the ease, speed, and flexibility of creating with the Hiber3D engine.

New Gameplay Modes Out-Of-The-Box with the Hiber3D Engine


Google Next, Leap, Nordic Games

We traveled the globe over the past few months to showcase our Hiber3D engine to the worldwide tech community, most notably Dice Summit in Las Vegas, Leap in Riyadh, GDC in San Francisco, Google Next in Las Vegas to unveil SkyScape, and last but not least Nordic Game in Malmö. 

The Voice, Angry Birds

We launched two premium branded avatar catalogs in collaboration with Ready Player Me for the  iconic Angry Birds and The Voice IPs. These gamified brand spaces showcased exclusive purchasable wearables and have racked up almost 2M plays to date. 

Angry Birds powered by Hiber3D


Last but not least, this year marked a new chapter for Hiber3D with the launch of our new visual identity and website that reflects our commitment to innovation, creativity, and exploration. We hope you love the new look as much as we do!

Looking Ahead

The past six months have been a whirlwind of activity and progress, and we expect the next six to be nothing less. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve got cooking. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to many more months of innovation, creativity, and community! Get in touch to learn more about the Hiber3D engine.

Streamline Development with Hiber3D

Looking to rapidly accelerate your game development projects? Check out Hiber3D’s gameplay features: Shoot, Drive, and Fly!

Hiber3D offers a comprehensive suite of features that will transform your creation process. With built-in physics, multiplayer capabilities, gameplay features, avatar integration, and much more, you can streamline your projects, getting an idea from your head to the web – faster.

We’re excited to announce the addition of shooting mechanics to our growing list of gameplay features, which include driving, flying, platformers, obbys and customizable game rules. Best of all, these are accessible right out of the box!

The 3D Engine for the Web

Why does this matter? This means less time spent hunting for third-party plugins, custom coding, and on building foundations, and more time spent on creating incredible games and experiences.

To give an example of the ease and flexibility we are talking about, check out this video. Now you can take any platformer built with the Hiber3D engine and simply drop in game rules and weapons into the world to instantly create a fast-paced shooter. Nice, right?

From Platformer to Shooter in seconds.

Let’s take a closer look at the Hiber3D engine’s gameplay features.


Dynamic Gameplay Enhancement: The new shooting mechanics inject a dynamic and engaging element into games, catering to the high demand for shooter experiences on platforms like HiberWorld, with over 6 million worlds.

Feature Highlights:

  • Rapid Development: Get fast, fun, casual shooters up and running in minutes 
  • Fine Tuning: Customize the power and damage attributes of each weapon, allowing for tailored gameplay experiences.
  • Ready Built Weapons: Equip characters or environments with a selection of weapons from our asset library, each with unique characteristics and effects.
  • Flexibility: Integrate custom-created or imported assets to suit your vision.


Exciting Development Opportunities: Hiber3D’s driving feature gives you an exciting canvas to paint your game visions upon, whether crafting racing games or open-world adventures that move from vehicle to flying to first-person based gameplay.

Feature Highlights:

  • Vehicle Physics: Built-in interactions with elements like booster plates and damage mechanics, enhancing the realism and immersion of driving experiences within your games.
  • Variety of Vehicles: Select vehicles tailored to suit diverse game environments, enriching gameplay dynamics and offering players an engaging and varied experience.
  • Custom Controls and UI: Ensure a smooth and intuitive gameplay experience across both desktop and mobile with customizable controls and user interfaces, optimizing player engagement.


Unlock Vertical Exploration: With Hiber3D’s flying feature, you can elevate your projects by introducing verticality and fresh perspectives, enriching gameplay experiences, and opening up new avenues for player exploration.

Feature Highlights:

  • Smooth Flight Dynamics: Experience immersive flight mechanics that allow players to navigate environments with grace and precision, enhancing the sense of freedom and control.
  • Vertical Integration: Leverage height changes to dynamically shape game environments and progression, providing players with a multi-dimensional experience.
  • Dynamic Movement: Give players the freedom to soar above environments and uncover hidden areas.

Get Started with Hiber3D Today

Whether you’re an indie developer or part of a large studio, our web-first lightweight engine allows you to create compelling, immersive games and publish them directly to the web without the usual headaches. Check out more of our features. Or reach out to us to book a demo.

Join the Hiber3D Community

Stay updated with the latest developments, get support, and share your creations with fellow developers by joining the Hiber3D community on Discord.

Hiber3D: March Round Up


March put an extra spring in our step so we pushed the boundaries of gameplay with the Hiber3D Development Kit to deliver vehicle wrestling, tank shooters, and nostalgic throwbacks among other things. Let’s take a look…

Attending Google Cloud Next ‘24?

The Hiber team will be on-site at Google Cloud Next in Las Vegas to reveal the latest AI feature to be released from Hiber3D Co-Pilot™.

Catch Sean Kauppinen’s presentation in the Startup Lounge on Tuesday 9th April at 4.20pm PDT.


In a nod to a classic mobile hit we put HDK to the test to create this 4 level, side-scrolling, brain-sizzler. Can you clear all levels to reach master territory?

Jumpy Tap templates were made available in create mode 2 weeks ago. Since then over 3.5K worlds have been created in this style.


In two of the most anticipated releases of all time on HiberWorld Sumo Cars (vehicle wrestling) and Tanks (shooter) launched in March, since amassing nearly half a million plays between them. Both created with HDK. Tank templates also launched in create mode inspiring the creation of 4K Tank worlds since.

Hiber3D: February Round Up

Following an action-packed January, we doubled down to deliver even more goodness in February with The Voice experience, new create mode features (Matches and Sidescrollers), and more hits from HiberLabs! Let’s take a look…


Attending LEAP 2024?

The Hiber team is on-site in Riyadh this week, showcasing the HiberWorld platform and the World Creator – the latest feature release from Hiber3D Co-Pilot™, our generative AI toolkit.

Catch Michael Yngfors and Sean Kauppinen at the Google booth on Wednesday 6th March at 4pm AST


Turn any world into a competition with synchronized starts and shared scoreboards, following the launch of Matches on HiberWorld.

Sidescrollers are now also available in Create Mode, adding to a range of new options for our creator community.


Have you experienced The Voice on HiberWorld yet?

The global television phenomenon has expanded its reach into the 3D space and launched its exclusive catalog of Hype Gear wearables.

Since launching in early February, The Voice experience has racked up over 50,000 plays on HiberWorld.


HiberLabs continues to expand the variety of gameplay on our platform while showcasing the capabilities of the Hiber3D Development Kit.

Since its mid-February launch, Turbo Goal has kicked off a spirited rivalry, with the community rallying behind either the red or blue teams, leading to over 70,000 goals scored on the scoreboard.

The Voice Launches New Hype Gear Virtual Fashion Line

Virtual Brand Group expands The Voice’s omnichannel footprint to its third retail platform which collectively reaches almost 300MM consumers 

Fans Worldwide Can Now Style Their Avatars using the Ready Player Me platform which reaches 10,000 different games and worlds globally

Collection exclusively available for a limited time in the HiberWorld game

LOS ANGELES (February 6, 2023) – The Virtual Brand Group (VBG) today unveiled  The Voice’s first Hype Gear fashion line which is now available exclusively in HiberWorld through the Ready Player Me avatar creation platform (SHOP

ITV Studios The Voice aired in over 150 territories around the world, making it the most distributed TV show worldwide. This latest collaboration is inspired by global street culture.  It features an eclectic range of oversized hoodies, t-shirts and trend forward looks with bespoke imagery and silhouettes. 

This Hype Gear collection is the next evolution in VBG’s expansion of The Voice brand to become a standalone global fashion label outside of the hit TV series. 

Virtual Brand Group is also unveiling The Voice’s a new fashion game only available in HiberWorld (jump in PLAYwith a custom retail store, which allows fans to shop interactively, mix and match outfits, and be a coach in the iconic red chair and hit the red buzzer. 

This collection and store represent Virtual Brand Group (VBG), a multi-award-winning metaverse pioneer known for building immersive experiences, communities and virtual fashion, and ITV Studios’ fifth virtual activation on four different platforms in just one year. 

“Avatar retail is transforming fashion, self-expression and consumer behavior.  Last year it sold over $14B and is projected to grow by almost another 50% by the end of this decade”, said Justin W. Hochberg, CEO of the Virtual Brand Group.  “Our collaboration with Ready Player Me and HiberWorld opens up The Voice fashion line to another 50MM potential consumers. That’s 3x more fans than attended every NFL game combined this season; no offense Taylor Swift”. 

“With a global reach to over 150 territories, The Voice is a powerhouse with universal appeal and a unique position at the intersection of music and fashion,” said Sean Kauppinen, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer of Hiber. “It is a perfect brand for our community as our users look to identify and associate with brands and entertainment that represent them and reflect their interests in our growing network of 3D worlds.”

“HiberWorld stands out among apps integrating Ready Player Me as the go-to platform for brands looking to create unique virtual experiences for their customers,” said Timmu Tõke, CEO & Co-Founder of Ready Player Me. ”Fans of The Voice will now have a chance to interact with the brand in a completely new way while their avatars wear the Hype Gear collection pieces.”  

About Virtual Brand Group

Virtual Brand Group (VBG) is an award-winning company that strategically accelerates consumer brands by innovatively leveraging the Metaverse across marketing, advertising, communities, games, fashion, and new products.  Partners include Forever 21, Barbie™/Mattel™, The Voice™, NBC and XOMG POP.  The team is credited with developing the world’s first physical fashion line that weas incubated as a virtual merchandise along with “Infinite Loop Marketing™”, the first-ever avatar-to-ecommerce program where items can be sold simultaneously in the metaverse and real life, creating new products and, in turn, new revenue streams faster than ever before.  Licensing International awarded the company “Best Digital Licensed Product,” for its work building Forever21’s Shop City and has been featured in over 500 top-tier media outlets, podcasts and multiple innovation books.  Click here for case studies on how VBG can accelerate your brand LINK 

About ITV Studios

ITV Studios is a creator, producer, and distributor of world-leading programmes and formats that people can’t get enough of. Connecting millions of people every day and shaping and reflecting the world they live in, ITV Studios is More Than TV. Its Brand & Licensing department is responsible for all global commercial activities, including sponsorship, brand licensing, consumer products, gaming, and live events. It represents a diverse portfolio, including scripted and non-scripted content, game shows, and kids’ titles, which offer a wide range of commercial opportunities. Brands include The Voice, Hell’s Kitchen, Love Island, I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, The Chase, Coronation Street, Schitt’s Creek, The Last Unicorn, Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, The Prisoner, and more. ITV Studios is home to some of the best creative minds, crafting over 6,700 hours of original programming across more than 60 production labels. Its global footprint spans 13 countries including the UK, US, Australia, France, Germany, The Nordics, Italy and the Netherlands and its global distribution business sells its 90,000+ hour catalogue to broadcasters and platforms around the world.

About Ready Player Me  

Ready Player Me uses digital avatars to break down walls between creators of virtual experiences and the people who most want to enjoy them. The company offers an embeddable Avatar Creator that developers can integrate effortlessly into their apps and games to save time, boost engagement, and unlock new revenue streams. The company connects over 20,000 developers in its network (including VRChat, Spatial, and HiberWorld) with millions of end-users who can personalize their avatars to express themselves across compatible applications. Learn more at https://readyplayer.me.

Hiber3D: January Round Up

Welcome to the first ever Hiber3D newsletter, your go-to source for all the latest and greatest developments unfolding at Hiber HQ.

We’ve hit the ground running in 2024 with the launch of our very own currency HiBux, our generative AI world creator, new game modes and more. Let’s take a look…


The latest feature from Hiber3D Co-Pilot™ – our generative AI toolkit – is now live in HiberWorld.

Try the World Creator today

Hiber3D Co-Pilot™ features are being progressively released, each undergoing Alpha testing for peak performance.


You can now purchase digital items in HiberWorld with HiBux, our dedicated in-app currency.

Earn HiBux by completing daily challenges and trade them for a growing catalog of digital wearables in our brand spankin’ new shop.


This February we will launch a digital shopping experience with The Voice in partnership with Virtual Brand Group and Ready Player Me.

This is the second in a series of premium branded avatar catalogs to be launched in HiberWorld, building on the success of the Angry Birds world in December.

Expect gamified interaction and exclusive The Voice wearables.


Have you tried the new gameplay and create features that we launched this month?

Jump right in to experience Sidescrollers, Signals, Vehicles, Race Tracks and don’t miss out on the community favorite – Chilly Downhilly for some snowboarding action.

Hiber and Ready Player Me Partner to Bring Rovio’s Angry Birds to HiberWorld Users

Global Franchise Angry Birds to Make its Mark on the Hiber Community Next Week 

Gothenburg, Sweden – November 29, 2023 – Hiber, the company behind the popular virtual experience platform HiberWorld, and Ready Player Me, the leading identity platform for games and virtual worlds, have partnered to bring the first major gaming brand to Ready Player Me and HiberWorld users as part of Ready Player Me’s recently announced Premium Skins Catalog, enabling the company’s developer partners to sell branded avatar customization options and merchandise. Rovio’s popular global franchise Angry Birds will be first to enter HiberWorld with a fun 3D experience featuring avatar clothing and hero skins that can be purchased directly in the 3D space.

Visit the Angry Birds World on HiberWorld

“Partnering with Ready Player Me to bring these first premium digital avatar assets to our expanding community presents an exciting opportunity to work with Rovio and Angry Birds, a franchise that we love, and know our users will be excited to see,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “Both Rovio and Ready Player Me have been exceptional partners in moving quickly to deliver these assets for sale to our users and we are confident this is just the first of many AAA quality IPs that will come to HiberWorld over the coming year.”

“Hiber has been a strong partner for us over the past two years and they are always eager to be pioneers,” said Timmu Tõke, Co-Founder & CEO of Ready Player Me. “Their platform is growing and we have had a great collaboration with them as we build out our commercial offerings for games developers and their products. Rovio has also stepped up and is leading the way in terms of IP licensing as we bring the Angry Birds franchise to new audiences and in Hiber’s case, via the browser to users all around the world.”

“HiberWorld is a compelling platform that will give fans of the Angry Birds a new way to interact with the brand as well as connecting us to a new audience  with immersive 3D content,” said Katri Chacona, Head of Brand Licensing at Rovio. “Angry Birds has a global base of active players and fans and we are excited to see what this partnership with Ready Player Me and Hiber brings in terms of delighting our existing fans, as well as growing brand awareness, creating new fans of the franchise, and giving HiberWorld users the ability to express themselves with avatars and branded clothing items utilizing our brand.”

The Angry Birds world on HiberWorld will launch the week of November 27th and coincide with Hiber’s participation at RovioCon Google 2023 in Helsinki, Finland on the 29th.

HiberWorld was released into beta in early 2020 and has grown to hundreds of thousands of monthly users and more than 5 million worlds created. The platform enables anyone to create 3D worlds, experiences and games directly in a web browser without the need to know how to code. Earlier this year, Hiber opened up its proprietary Hiber3D tech stack to allow for coding and more complex world creation and recently added AI features to make creation faster and more fun for an ever expanding audience.

About Rovio

Rovio Entertainment Corporation is a global mobile-first games company that creates, develops and publishes mobile games, which have been downloaded over 5 billion times. Rovio is best known for the global Angry Birds brand, which started as a popular mobile game in 2009, and has since evolved from games to various entertainment, animations and consumer products in brand licensing. Rovio has produced The Angry Birds Movie (2016), and its sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2 was released in 2019. The company offers multiple mobile games and has eight game studios – one in Espoo (Finland), one in Stockholm (Sweden), one in Copenhagen (Denmark), one in Barcelona (Spain), two in Montreal and one in Toronto (Canada). The studios also include a subsidiary in Izmir (Turkey) called Ruby Games, which was acquired in 2021. Most of the employees are based in Finland where Rovio is headquartered. The company’s shares are listed on the main list of NASDAQ Helsinki stock exchange with the trading code ROVIO. Sega Europe Limited has acquired more than 90 percent of Rovio’s issued and outstanding shares and will delist the company from NASDAQ Helsinki stock exchange as soon as permitted under applicable laws. (www.rovio.com)

About Ready Player Me

Ready Player Me is an interoperable avatar platform for apps and games. It lets you create a 3D avatar with a selfie and use it in 15,000+ compatible apps and games. You can explore virtual worlds in VRChat, join meetings in Spatial, or stream to your fans using Animaze – all with your personal avatar that represents you in virtual worlds. Any developer can integrate Ready Player Me into their apps and games using our free avatar SDKs and APIs. It’s compatible with Unity and Unreal Engine and works great on the web, mobile, and desktop platforms. Learn more at https://readyplayer.me/  

Gothenburg Island Festival Launches in HiberWorld

This week, the Gothenburg Island Festival has launched in HiberWorld, inviting visitors from around the world to take part in Gothenburg’s Jubilee celebrations.

This initiative is part of Gothenburg’s 400-year celebration and Kulturkalaset (the city’s annual, sustainable, sprawling summer festival). It is a result of Goteborg & Co’s vision to create an event that acknowledges the city’s rich history, vibrant present, and promising future.

Goteborg & Co joined forces with creative agency KOKOKAKA and Hiber to bring this vision to life. Drawing inspiration from Gothenburg’s unique Ringön district, KOKOKAKA worked with the Hiber3D tech stack to craft a digital counterpart to Ö-Festen – Ringön’s annual block party, now in its 6th year. 

At Ringön, an intriguing blend of old industries and emerging businesses creates a unique buzz – think lively breweries, thrift stores, and bustling studios. The team at KOKOKAKA used the Hiber3D Development Kit to create a network of interconnected 3D worlds, each representing a counterpart at Ringön… but with a twist, of course. The result is a multifaceted feast for the senses! KOKOKAKA succeeded in creating an equally exciting virtual experience filled with oddities and surprises, allowing visitors from all over the globe to get a taste of Gothenburg’s unique culture.

“Hiber3D is an amazing framework for building 3D websites. Finally there is an easy way to build immersive experiences on the web. By combining 3D with video, music and gamification you can communicate in a much richer way than on a flat web page.” – Jimmy Herdberg, KOKOKAKA Creative Studio

The Gothenburg Island Festival is now live in HiberWorld until September 3rd, 2023. Discover art exhibitions, interviews, poetry, live-streamed performances from Ö-Festen, competitions, and mini-games.

HiberWorld Hits 5 Million World Milestone

The Accomplishment Marks A Major Acceleration In The Number of Creators Using Hiber3d Tools To Publish Online Virtual Worlds

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Aug 23, 2023 – Hiber AB, the company behind the Hiber3D tech stack, today announced that they have surpassed the 5 million world milestone on their creator hub, HiberWorld.

Having passed 1 million worlds in May 2021, this new milestone marks massive growth over the past two years in terms of monthly users and the number of people using HiberWorld’s no-code creator tool to craft a wide array of virtual worlds, ranging from 3D hangouts, challenges, interactive festivals, roller coasters, art showcases, and more. All of these worlds can be embedded directly onto any website outside of the HiberWorld platform to leverage a site’s audience and traffic while simultaneously connecting to HiberWorld’s global online community.

This 5 million world milestone signals that Hiber is progressing in its mission to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web by lowering the barriers to participation. 

Over the past few months, the company has begun rolling out its Hiber3D Development Kit, an additional creation tool, catering to the millions of coders and React Developers worldwide and further broadening the opportunities for anyone to engage with 3D world creation on the web.

The Hiber3D tech stack has caught the attention of brands looking to expand their virtual presence and invest in their innovation roadmap. In July of this year, the luxury fashion label Tommy Hilfiger chose Hiber3D to create Tommy Parallel – an interoperable virtual universe for its community. The experience was hosted on HiberWorld and was also embedded directly on the Tommy Parallel website. The Tommy Parallel world featured a phygital fashion collection designed by The Fabricant and invited users to explore the space with Ready Player Me avatars styled in Tommy Hilfiger wearables. Over the course of the first month, visitors to the experience on HiberWorld spawned over 1.2 million Tommy Parallel digital wearables when entering the space.

Fashion brands are not the only ones extending their marketing to the virtual space using Hiber3D. Between 2022 and 2023, Hiber rolled out collaborations with the music NFT platform anotherblock, lifestyle brand iamrunbox, rock group Smash Into Pieces, and the influencer agency DIA, bringing immersive experiences to a wide range of digital communities. Hiber continues to collaborate closely with the interoperable avatar platform Ready Player Me, allowing all communities to move between experiences with personalized digital identities.

“The acceleration in world creation on HiberWorld is a direct result of the continued efforts of the team at Hiber to improve and innovate with the Hiber3D creator tools and components,” said Michael Yngfors, Co-Founder and CEO of Hiber AB. “The 5 million world milestone is also a testament to our highly engaged and creative community who take the tools we roll out, and use them to push the boundaries of their imaginations in 3D. We are gearing up to deliver new advancements in 2023 and are already looking towards our next milestone.”

This month, Hiber is set to unveil an integration with generative AI in collaboration with Datatonic and Google Cloud at Google Next on August 31st. This project aims to further open access to 3D creation possibilities for the online community, further bolstering Hiber’s long standing mission.

DIA HOUSE – Interactive Agency Hub Powered by Hiber3D

We have teamed up with the Digital Icon Agency Ltd to launch DIA HOUSE – an interactive 3D agency hub that will be used to showcase their roster of talents.

DIA’s mission is to stay at the edge of digital innovation and to continuously unlock new engagement opportunities for the talents that they represent. Using the Hiber3D platform DIA found a way to authentically participate in the 3D web with their own branded space.

The immersive DIA HOUSE has been designed using Hiber3D with DIA’s unique aesthetic in mind. It provides a hub where visitors can engage with the brands, artists and influencers that the agency represents. Featuring interactive content, merchandise and an expansive gamified space to explore, DIA HOUSE delivers engagement beyond the expected, and it aims to revolutionize the influencer marketing landscape.

DIA were able to embed the interactive 3D world directly onto their current website, leveraging their existing traffic, while also connecting to HiberWorld – a worldwide community with a network of almost 5M virtual worlds.

Step into DIA HOUSE now.

Introducing Tommy Parallel! A collaboration by Tommy Hilfiger, Hiber, and Ready Player Me.

We have been working closely with the Tommy Hilfiger team to build out an immersive experience using Hiber3D that allows fashion lovers to explore a new dimension of dressing in physical and digital worlds – featuring the ‘Limitless’ designs crafted by The Fabricant

We built the experience using the Hiber3D Development Kit which Tommy Parallel embedded directly on their website to leverage their existing audience. Simultaneously we connected the experience to our HiberWorld platform – a network of almost 6M interconnected worlds. 

The bar is now raised for digital commerce in the fashion industry and we cannot wait to see what unfolds next. 

Hiber and Smash Into Pieces Collaborate to Pioneer a 3D Music World, Powered by Hiber3D

Revolutionizing Music Engagement: Hiber and Smash Into Pieces Unveil Arcadia, the First 3D Music World Powered by Hiber3D

Gothenburg, Sweden – June 27th, 2023 –  Hiber, creators of 3D web tech Hiber3D and popular virtual experience platform HiberWorld, in partnership with the Swedish cinematic rock group, Smash Into Pieces, today announce the release of Arcadia, a pioneering virtual music world that intends to revolutionize audience engagement in the music industry. Visit Arcadia

Arcadia, Smash Into Pieces

Hiber3D, which released last month, is built to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web by unlocking the potential for artists, brands, and creators to build a virtual presence quickly and easily. Hiber3D features easy-to-use creator tools that cater to all levels of expertise, including a no-code tool for consumers and the Hiber3D Development Kit (HDK) for professionals. Virtual worlds created with Hiber3D can be embedded directly onto any website, and can simultaneously connect to nearly 5 million worlds on the HiberWorld platform, while the lightweight Hiber3D engine can target all devices without compromising on performance or quality.

Smash Into Pieces, the Swedish rock group renowned for their fusion of futuristic aesthetics and apocalyptic themes, as well as their cinematic mini-series “ARCADIA WORLD,” consistently push the boundaries to captivate their global fan base. Now, in collaboration with Hiber, Smash Into Pieces invite their dedicated ‘SMASH HEADS’ fan-base to experience this first-of-its-kind 3D music world.

With the power of Hiber3D, fans of Smash Into Pieces will be transported into Arcadia , an immersive world designed to reflect the band’s dynamic style and aesthetic. Arcadia serves as an interactive hub where fans can engage with the band, their music, artistry, and merchandise as well as curated gamified experiences that can be used to unlock exclusive access or items. For this release, eagle eyed fans of Smash Into Pieces will be able to access a teaser of an upcoming single located somewhere in Arcadia.

“How we might connect with each other in the future has been a huge theme in our band, and this project with Hiber lets us bring the Arcadia World concept to life,” said Chris Adam, the lead singer of Smash Into Pieces. “This is a new way to push ourselves creatively and engage our amazing fans, and we’re pumped to see everyone in Arcadia soon!” 

In addition to the 3D music world, this collaboration will introduce “verch” – or virtual merch, a concept that establishes an entirely new revenue stream for artists. Verch allows fans to enhance their digital identities by owning unique and collectible digital items associated with their favorite artists, redefining the fan experience and taking brand affinity into the 3D web. By pioneering this integration of music and commerce within the 3D web, Hiber3D not only provides an opportunity to transform fan engagement, but also creates a new platform for brand recognition and revenue generation. Visitors to Arcadia will be able to purchase Smash Into Pieces verch for their avatars which they can then use in over 8000+ platforms and apps as they move their identity through the interoperable 3D web.

“This collaboration with Smash Into Pieces signifies a major milestone for music artists. By harnessing the power of Hiber3D, musicians can forge direct connections with their audience and unlock new avenues for engagement and monetization,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “At the same time, this collaboration revolutionizes the traditional music landscape by allowing fans to access their favorite musicians in a new way. It’s a paradigm shift that empowers artists to take control of their own brand and offers fans an unparalleled level of intimacy and interaction.”

By integrating the band’s artistic vision with Hiber’s cutting-edge technology, this collaboration marks a monumental milestone as the first-ever implementation of a 3D immersive music showroom which has the potential to redefine the music industry’s digital landscape, allowing fans and artists to transcend traditional experiences and explore uncharted territories of entertainment.

Visit Arcadia on HiberWorld
Visit Arcadia directly on the Smash Into Pieces website.
Look at the code used to create this world in our
HDK documenation.

About Smash Into Pieces:

The Swedish cinematic rock outfit SMASH INTO PIECES, have since the release of their third album ‘Rise And Shine’, grown to become a well known international brand within the rock community. Being part of the force surrounding the group since the beginning, their mystical leader and apocalyptic looking drummer APOC is probably the most eye-catching member of the group.

Earlier this year the group participated in the Swedish version of Eurovision, and won their sub-competition and went straight to the finals where they ended up placing third! With ‘Six Feet Under’ selling platinum in Sweden in less than 12 weeks and national radio picking up on the track, SMASH announced they are going to continue the story of ARCADIA. In April of 2023, they released the first episode ‘The Tide’. Now the time has come for the group to follow up the recent success with the second episode of the third ARCADIA season.. ‘FLOW’! 

Ready Player Me’s New Monetization Tools Help Developers Grow Revenue Through In-App Purchases

Initial Launch To Be Accessible For Those With Alpha Access; Starting Today, Developers Can Register Interest For Public Launch On Ready Player Me’s Website 

First Premium Avatar Collection, The Outer Kingdoms, Is Now Available For Sale Directly on HiberWorld, Wink, and Omlet Arcade

New York, NY (June 15, 2023) – Ready Player Me, the world’s leading avatar platform, today released alpha access to a new suite of monetization tools and premium avatar collections. These innovations let app creators tap into the $100+ billion dollar digital goods economy by selling avatar skins, clothing, and items directly in their apps. Alpha partners utilizing the tools include Hiber, Wink, and Omlet Arcade; other Ready Player Me developers can apply for beta access to the tools here.

“Partnering with Ready Player Me enables us to move our monetization strategy forward by delivering embeddable 3D commerce experiences to brands, artists and creators,” said Michael Yngfors, Co-Founder & CEO of Hiber. “We’ve seamlessly worked with their new tools and APIs to launch an in-world storefront in HiberWorld for The Outer Kingdoms collection. Now, any brand or artist can use HiberWorld to easily create their own 3D commerce experience for avatar outfits and reach millions of users.”

As part of this alpha launch with selected partners, Ready Player Me is opening access to its new Asset Manager, Transaction API, and their first sellable avatar collections.

  • The Asset Manager let’s developers create, upload, and publish outfits for sale directly in their app. Additionally published assets will soon be available for sale throughout the entire Ready Player Me Network, giving developers the ability to sell cross-game.
  • The Transactions API powers transactions and revenue sharing, giving developers the ability to build storefronts — either through app interfaces or directly in virtual stores that can be visited in-world.
  • The first avatar collection, The Outer Kingdoms, is available for sale directly through partner storefronts. The launch partners include HiberWorld, Wink, and Omlet Arcade. Additional avatar collections will be launched on an ongoing basis.

The in-app purchase market in 2022 was a staggering $141.75B, and expected to compound yearly. With much of this spend going to avatars, developers increasingly need better ways to monetize through skin, clothing, and item sales. These new features are built API-first, with native integration into game engines such as Unity or Unreal, allowing broad access and saving development time and resources.  Through Ready Player Me’s interoperable network, assets will achieve peak cross-game potential through their utility in not one, but over thousands of different apps and games.

“Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Roblox have proved the game economy of the future is powered by avatar monetization,” said Timmu Toke, Co-Founder & CEO of Ready Player Me. “Until now, unless you were a AAA studio, you couldn’t take advantage of the avatar economy. Now, we’ve made it possible for every developer, regardless of size, to create and sell avatar skins and items in-game, and across thousands of connected experiences that integrate with our platform.”

The alpha launch is available to select Ready Player Me developers. To apply for future  beta access, developers need to apply using this form [FORM LINK]. Developers who have not yet signed up with Ready Player Me can do so at readyplayer.me/developers.

Faraway and Hiber Showcase the Power of Interoperability as Hiber3D Creators Can Now Take Their User-Generated Maps into Different Game Worlds

Hiber3D Creators will be able to export and showcase their maps in Mini Royale: Nations as well as a variety of other metaverse experiences through this collaboration with Faraway

MIAMI & GOTHENBURG – Faraway, developers of Mini Royale: Nations and upcoming strategy game Serum City, announced a partnership with Hiber, creators of 3D web tech Hiber3D and popular virtual experience platform HiberWorld, that will let creators build their own worlds and experiences to be used in the Faraway Web3 gaming ecosystem and beyond. 

To start, this partnership will allow Hiber3D creators to export their maps and environments to be instantly playable as game maps inside of Mini Royale: Nations, a popular Web3 first person shooter launched in December 2021. Once this integration is live it will allow Faraway and HiberWorld to share the same maps and worlds, with the eventual goal of scaling to many more games and experiences. With data available on the blockchain, other developers will be able to easily access and tap into the same creator ecosystem, and creators will have the potential to monetize their content in many more interoperable experiences.

Faraway has spent the last year focusing on interoperability as a defining feature of Web3 games and on user-generated content (UGC) as a source of evergreen content for these games. Following a recent partnership with avatar creation platform Ready Player Me to allow for two-way interoperability between both companies’ in-game avatars, Faraway also launched a UGC platform where players can create and sell their own interoperable avatars to be used within thousands of virtual worlds. Faraway now expands support for UGC beyond avatars through custom maps that can be built using Hiber3D’s no-code or code creation tools and seamlessly imported into Faraway games in addition to HiberWorld.com.

HiberWorld users have created millions of interactive experiences ranging from platformers and virtual hangout spaces, to 3D recreations of famous landmarks. Hiber has also partnered with Ready Player Me already enabling interoperable avatars in these worlds, including avatars created by the Mini Royale: Nations UGC community. This partnership gives Hiber’s creator community more utility in the worlds they create in an ever-expanding number of applications outside the core of HiberWorld. It will also include new Web3 monetization systems to help creators monetize their worlds as their experiences are leveraged by more and more game studios and players.

Co-founders Michael Yngfors, ex-PlayStation, and Mattias Johansson, ex-DigitasLBi, launched Hiber in 2017 to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web by enabling brands, artists, musicians, influencers and creators to easily build, manage and monetize their own virtual world presence. With close to 5 million user-generated 3D worlds built, HiberWorld has become a hub for creativity by empowering users with seamless tools for world-building. At the same time, the recent launch of Hiber3D enables over 17 million web developers worldwide to easily create interconnected virtual worlds and publish them anywhere.

“This partnership with Faraway showcases the power and potential of interoperability,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “Through this collaboration, Hiber3D creators can now expand their reach into the Faraway ecosystem and unlock new possibilities for their content, opening up new paths for gameplay in ways creators control.”

Faraway launched Mini Royale: Nations in 2021 as the first live multiplayer game to incorporate the Solana blockchain. Founders Alex Paley and Dennis Zdonov, former executives at Glu Mobile and Scopely, have expanded the company’s focus beyond its own game development to creating an ecosystem of games and products powered by Web3, interoperability, and user-generated content (and providing developer and creator tools for other game studios to do the same through the Faraway Developer Platform).

“The ability for player-owned assets to exist and have utility outside of their original game experience opens the doors for a totally new type of game design and economy. We’re incredibly excited to work with Hiber to integrate thousands of user-created maps and experiences made completely externally from our own team,” said Faraway co-founder, Alex Paley.  

Learn more about Hiber at hiber3d.com and hiberworld.com, and get updates at twitter.com/Hiber3D
Keep up with Faraway at faraway.com or on Twitter at twitter.com/farawaygg

Hiber Unveils Hiber3D Empowering Web Developers to Accelerate the Next Generation of the Web

Introducing Hiber3D and HDK (Hiber3D Development Kit), a Tech Stack and Developer Kit to Enable Brands, Artists, Creators, and Developers to Build a Virtual 3D Web Presence Easily and Quickly 

Gothenburg, Sweden – May 17th, 2023 – Hiber, the company behind the popular virtual experience platform HiberWorld, has opened access to Hiber3D, a tech stack designed to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web by opening it up for the largest community of developers in the world to easily create interconnected virtual worlds and publish them anywhere.

Hiber3D is powered by one of the smallest yet powerful 3D engines available in the market at less than 5MB, making it compatible across all major mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers, as well as native apps, PCs, and consoles. The platform features easy-to-use creator tools that cater to all levels of expertise, including a no-code tool for consumers and the Hiber3D Development Kit (HDK) for the 17M+ worldwide web development community, which launched today.

Hiber3D provides creators with access to an extensive 3D asset library and a set of out-of-the-box services, including multiplayer, character controls, chat, customizable avatars from Ready Player Me, Web3 rails, payment rails, and commerce connections, giving them what they need to easily build, manage, and monetize their own virtual presence on the 3D web. 

Leveraging Hiber3D’s embed feature, creators can build on their most valuable virtual real estate, their website, and consumers can interact with brands through embedded 3D experiences without leaving the sites they’re familiar with. Creators can simultaneously connect their worlds to the HiberWorld platform to leverage the growing community, where Hiber3D has enabled the creation of almost 5 million virtual experiences through its no-code creation tool.

Hiber3D has already been put to effective use by its partners, including anotherblock and iamrunbox, who created captivating brand experiences that were directly integrated into their websites. 

”Our collaboration with Hiber confirmed the power of embracing immersive experiences to engage with our customers and bring our brand to life,” said Ida Malm of iamrunbox. “With seamless integration into our website during a major campaign, the process was remarkably straightforward. Moreover, linking this experience to HiberWorld opened up a whole new audience for us, expanding our reach.”

Hiber is planning to announce several major brand partnerships in the coming months, with a strong emphasis on commerce and web3 as key areas of focus for its continued growth and development.

“With Hiber3D, we’re giving creators of all skill levels the tools they need to build, manage, and monetize their own virtual presence on the emerging 3D web,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber. “With open access to the full suite of browser-based technology, we believe Hiber3D is set to accelerate the adoption of the 3D web and usher in a new era of immersive 3D experiences.”

Hiber3D is now available to developers and professionals looking to participate in the 3D web through the HDK

Hiber Partners With Ready Player Me to Bring Selfie-Based 3D Avatars to the HiberWorld Platform

Players with Customized Avatars Can Explore the Metaverse via HiberWorld

Hiber – the creator of HiberWorld, an open, free-to-use metaverse platform – today announced their partnership with 3D avatar metaverse platform Ready Player Me. Through this joint venture, Ready Player Me’s millions of users can now utilize their customizable 3D avatars in the user-created virtual landscapes of HiberWorld.

HiberWorld allows users to seamlessly create games and experiences across millions of connected worlds on their desktop computers and mobile devices. The latest collaboration with Ready Player Me will allow users to explore new environments in the metaverse under one identity and create virtual experiences for their avatars. In addition, they will be able to immerse themselves in the platform’s various worlds and games including 3D hangouts, challenges, interactive science museums, roller coasters, art showcases, and more.

Ready Player Me provides users with a system to create custom 3D avatars by simply taking a selfie and allows further enhancement options through accessorizing with virtual wearables. After previously establishing more than 2,500+ partnerships with companies including VRChat, Somnium Space, Spatial, and The Nemesis, Ready Player Me has become an established metaverse platform. This includes closing a Series A funding round of $13 million for further global expansion at the end of 2021. Earlier this year, the avatar platform closed an additional round of funding, bringing their total raised to $22.5 million. 
“From the minute we sat down with our friends at Ready Player Me, we recognized how appealing their customized avatars could be in our HiberWorld. This integration creates a unique and dynamic metaverse experience,” said Hiber CEO, Michael Yngfors.

Ready Player Me CEO, Timmu Tõke added, “We have always valued the power of creativity and we love that now, with this integration, users have the ability to create their own Ready Player Me personal avatars and bring them into a world they have created themselves or into a number of other virtual experiences created by HiberWorld users.”

Metaverse Platform Hiber Releases NFT Gallery

Gothenburg, Sweden – June 21, 2022 – Hiber, a platform transforming any website into an interconnected metaverse presence, today announced the release of its NFT Gallery, a tool which allows anyone to view their NFT collections in the metaverse using any device with a web browser. The new feature will provide the opportunity for owners to see any NFTs in their possession in one place.

The new gallery enables users to enter any Ethereum wallet address containing NFTs to nftgallery.mv, where Hiber’s technology will procedurally generate a 3D art gallery in the metaverse within a matter of seconds. Users​ can then explore the gallery in an avatar form, while accessing their NFTs to learn more about them, which can also be viewed on Opensea. The custom gallery URL can subsequently be shared and used by anyone and shared  across social media.

To demonstrate the power of this tool, Hiber has identified more than 70 wallet addresses belonging to A-List celebrities, including those owned by Kevin Hart, Justin Bieber, DJ Khaled, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Post Malone, Paris Hilton, Mike Tyson, and Snoop Dogg, and has generated galleries of some of the most sought after NFT collections in the world. For anyone who has ever wanted to peruse NFT collections belonging to massive Hollywood stars, the chance is now here. The celebrity galleries can be accessed here.

Michael Yngfors, CEO and Co-Founder of Hiber shared his insights on the NFT Gallery, commenting: “We take great pride in creating a means whereby users can fully tap into NFT wallets in a way that hasn’t been done before.” He further added, “With the celebrity addresses that we have added to the gallery, fans now have the opportunity to be part of the experience of being able to see the NFTs that their idols own.”

The Gallery is not in any way endorsed in any way by any of the celebrities that own the wallets, but simply serves to illustrate the open nature of both Web3 and blockchain technology, where anyone can tour a celebrity’s gallery for free.

Metaverse platform HiberWorld set for major upgrade with new cross-platform 3D engine and Web3 tech 

Hiber’s UGC Metaverse Platform Offers Creators No Code Co-Creation, Improved Graphics and Frictionless Access via Mobile Devices and Web Browsers

February 3, 2022 – Hiber announced that its Metaverse platform HiberWorld is about to undergo a major upgrade with the rollout of a proprietary, lightweight yet powerful, next generation 3D engine as well as use of Web3 technology to give creators and their communities new opportunities.

The platform’s unique 3D engine offers significantly improved graphics and performance, real time co-creation where users can collaborate and play together, and a whole new experience that makes no-code creation fun and accessible to the masses via browsers as well as Apps. Through the use of Web3 technology the platform will, amongst other things, support digital ownership and enable interoperability, where holders of NFTs from partners can unlock and use their assets on HiberWorld.

Apple iPhone users in New Zealand, Australia, and The Philippines are the first to be able to try the new platform which is downloadable in these initial rollout countries via the App Store.

Over the coming weeks, the company plans to rollout the new experience on the web at HiberWorld.com replacing the initial version that has been in testing for around two years.  To date, the community has made more than two million virtual worlds, which already makes HiberWorld one of the largest Metaverse platforms today.

Additional device platforms are scheduled to roll out over the coming months as the company delivers on its goals of bringing creation and the Metaverse to everyone through an open, frictionless no-code experience.

“We believe the Metaverse, just like the Internet, inherently needs to be open, accessible and free for everyone to participate in and express their creativity without any barriers,” said Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber AB. “That’s why we have built a web and mobile first, no-code platform that removes all the friction and utilizes Web3 technology to enable interoperability and support digital ownership. We believe the HiberWorld platform has the potential to power hundreds of millions of interconnected virtual worlds, opening the Metaverse to the masses.”

“HiberWorld gives users a new medium with which to create 3D experiences and instantly publish and share them, each becoming a distinct and unique virtual world and presence in the Metaverse,” said Johan Peitz, Chief Product Officer of Hiber AB. ‘’As we roll out the platform over the coming months, we will be announcing a number of partners that will extend both the utility of the platform, and show how we are embracing interoperability and Web3.”